Sample Menus
Data Entry
Reports and Charts
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Support / Upgrades

  •  Report and Chart Utility

  •  Data Entry

  •  Production Analysis Reports

  •  Incentive Bonus Utility

  •  Practice Analysis

  •  Billing Statistics

  •  Database Auto Backup Utility

  ...office growth solutions
hs@hornbergersoftware.com   (941) 923-3372  

The following are some Features of StarStats™

Robust Report and Chart Utility

  •  Create reports or charts on Office Statistics.

  •  Compare up to 9 stats on the same report.

  •  Stats can be sampled daily, weekly, monthly, or yearly within an adjustable time window.

  •  Analyze statistics for the Entire Practice (EP) and/or  Include associate doctors for comparison.

  • For any Stat Create a Quota or Goal Line and map a running total for comparison.

  • Analyze if your stats are meeting your output expectations.

Quota/Goal Charts

Example Chart: Quota Graph - Production - Daily Totals for One Month

  • Expected Production (Prod) Goal for the month of January, 2010 is $70,000 (red line)

  • Comparison Running Production Total (blue line)

  • Daily Production Totals (light blue line at bottom)

  • No dollars displayed on days the office is closed

  • Analysis:  Monthly Production meets expected goals on 1/11 then falls below expectation for the rest of the month with a small rise on 1/31.

Edward James Chiropractic - Edward James M.S.D.C. - Quota Graph - Production - Daily Totals

From  1/1/2010  To  1/31/2010



Standard Line Charts

Example Chart: Chart With Running Totals

  • 1 month Production Totals and Total Collections for January

  • Production $$$ running total (green line)

  • Total Collection running total (blue line)

  • Analysis:  Collections was following the production at the beginning of the month; but Dollars Collected started downward in comparison around 1/13 and again around 1/28.  The Overall trend indicates that the difference between Dollars Produced and the Total Dollars Collected is increasing over the time sample.  This indicates an increase in un-collected dollars especially between 1/14 and 1/20 for services rendered.

Edward James Chiropractic - Edward James M.S.D.C. - Production Totals for the year 2007 between January and June - Daily Totals

From  1/1/2010  To  1/31/2010



Standard Bar Charts

Example Chart: Bar Chart and Report

  • 6 month Production Totals of two Doctors

  • Production $$$ for Doctor 1 (red bars)

  • Production $$$ for Doctor 4 (blue bars)

  • Companion Comparison Report containing Production Totals for all Associate Doctors (Dr1 through Dr5) and including Production Totals for the Entire Practice Totals (the sum of all doctors) for comparison.

  • Comparison Report Automatically Calculates the Percentage of Associate Doctors' totals with respect to the Entire Practice (EP) totals.

  • Analysis:  Overall Production dollars for Dr1 and Dr4 seem to be about even. However Dr1 has had one better month than Dr4.  According to the report that follows the chart, Dr4 is contributing approximately 19.1% to the Entire Practice and Dr5 production numbers contribute 1% more around 20.1%.  The overall trend of all doctors indicate a good even distribution of contribution to the Entire Practice totals which is an ideal scenario.

Edward James Chiropractic - Edward James M.S.D.C. - Production Totals of Dr1 and Dr4 between  June and December - Monthly Totals

From  6/1/2009  To  12/31/2009





Comparison Historical Charts and Reports

Example Historical Chart: Compare current data values to historical values from previous years.

  • Entire Practice (EP) Production Totals for the year 2007 compared to the previous year 2006

  • Production $$$ for the Entire Practice year 2006 (blue bars)

  • Production $$$ for the year 2007 (red bars)

  • Analysis:  Comparing your current year production values to the previous values shows trends in the overall market as well as your practice. Comparing the two years, last years numbers are better in the first quarter but then drops off in the last quarters. Additional reports and analysis can yield further information provided by StarStats.

  • The Production report following the chart below indicate approximately a 5 % increase in total yearly production from 2006 to 2007.

Edward James Chiropractic - Edward James M.S.D.C. - Production Totals of Dr1 and Dr4 between  June and December - Monthly Totals

From  6/1/2009  To  12/31/2009





Robust Report and Chart Utility

  •  Create reports or charts on Office Statistics.

  •  Compare up to 9 stats on the same report.

  •  Stats can be sampled daily, weekly, monthly, or yearly within an adjustable time window.

  •  Analyze statistics for the Entire Practice (EP) and/or  Include associate doctors for comparison.

Month of Year 2007 Production Dollars for Entire Practice Production Dollars for Doctor Associate 1
January $176,814.66 $44,866.08
February $163,284.55 $36,450.72
March $166,160.08 $43,868.36
April $155,114.30 $36,363.22
May $181,388.46 $43,203.44
June $39,792.14 $9,798.00
  •  Automatically Calculates the Percentage of Associate Doctors' totals compared to the Entire Practice (EP)

  •  Compare current data values to historical values from previous years.

Informative and Practical Production Analysis Reports

Formulas can be easily viewed to enhance conceptual understanding.

Easy access to Office Activities such as:

  •  Number of New Patients
  •  Number of Patients Visits Average
  •  Number of New Patients
  •  New Patients Opportunities
  •  New Patient Conversion Percentage
  •  Average Dollars Charged per Visit
  •  Average Paid Dollars per Visit
  •  Case Average Dollars Produced
  •  Average Dollars Paid by Patients per Case
  •  Cost per Case
  •  Net Profit Per Case
  •  Cost Per Visit
  •  Office Percentage Overhead


Practice Analysis including Expenses

  •  Secured Area viewed only by the main doctor and administrator.
  •  Dollar amounts and other Totals can be viewed yearly for comparisons and trend analysis.


Incentive Bonus Utility

Employees work harder when $$$ incentives are in place. Setting up incentives based on the high values of certain office income generating statistics makes sense.

  •  The bonus feature can be turned off or hidden if desired.
  •  The Bonuses Utility can be totally customized.
  •  Most any stat can be monitored for bonus activity.
  •  Automatically keep track of high values, Calculates,  and determines Bonuses that are Due.
  •  We provide defaults that have been tested and determined to be an effective measure of office vitality.
  •  StarStats offer 4 different bonus types:
    •  Daily bonuses which high values are calculated every day.
    •  Weekly bonuses which high values are calculated weekly.
    •  Monthly bonuses.
    •  Yearly bonuses (beta release).
  •  Daily Bonuses can be broken down to sub categories related to different operational hours during the week.
  •  At least 7 variations of office hours are available.
  •  Separate Reports can be generated for each Bonus Type.


Example: From top to bottom each row exceeded the Max Production $$$.  Each time a max value was exceeded yielded a bonus of $15.00.


Example: Easy Matrix Design provides easy setup of different operational hours that the office is open (Full days and Partial days).  Boxes checked indicate, in a practical sense, that on a particular day the office is officially open for so many hours:  Monday (M) the office is open for a full day represented by 8 hours and Tuesday (T) the office is open for a partial day (4 hours).


Billing Statistics

  •  Easy data entry for number of transactions regarding number of contacts and dollar amounts of:

    •  Commercial Insurance
    •  Personal Injury
    •  Tracers
    •  Follow up Calls
    •  Medicare Contacts

Database Auto Backup

  •  Easy Database Maintenance:

    •  StarStats can automatically backup your database when exiting. 
    •  Keep as many backups as you wish but the default is set at 6.
    •  Compact your database to keep it running at optimum efficiency.
Click on the links for more details

  •  Four different User Ids each with their own security level:

    StarStats™ offers types of user login ids which are controlled by access codes and are as follows:

    • CA:  for data entry and for seeing if a bonus was achieved (usually for the front desk or staff entering the daily stats).

    • Manager:  for additional activities such as analyzing the production report without expenses included, and bonus reports.

    • Doctor or Administrator:  for setting all software defaults in addition to bonus amounts, parameters and reports, practice expense entries, analysis and reports (usually reserved for the primary doctor).

    • Administrator:   has complete access to all functions.

  •  Data Entry Forms:

    • Daily Statistics

    • Types of Referrals

    • Re-examinations and Number of Treatments

    • New Patient Types

    • Billing

    • Expenses

  •  Customizable User Defined Statistics:

    • Daily Statistics: up to 22 Customizable stats.

    Example: User Defined Office Daily Statistics

    • Type of Patient Referrals:  up to 11 Customizable stats.

    • You can monitor and analyze to determine what percentage of your practice comes from certain sources which can be compared to monies collected for those sources.

    •  List your own referral sources:  such as:

      • specific attorneys

      •  phone books

      •  insurance companies

      •  etc... 

      Example: Custom Patient Referral Types

  •  User Friendly Form Navigation:

    • Data is entered in a very user friendly environment.

    •  StarStats was design to make the data entry process as friendly as possible minimizing mouse clinks and optimizing keyboard involvement.

    •  Auto Navigate to the Next Data Form after Saving the Current Data.

    •  The screen progresses to the next sections automatically.

    •  The order of how these sections appear can be customized.

    •  Auto Navigate to the next day in the same form.

    •  Skip Saturday and Sunday option instructs data entry to move from Friday to Monday of the next week for those practices that are not open during the weekend.

  •  Two different Data Entry Views:

    • Daily View:  CA Daily Stats entered for a single day.

    • Weekly View:  All seven days are displayed on the same form provides easy data entry for bulk data from past days, weeks, or months. 

Example: CA Daily Stats entered for the entire week


  • Daily and Weekly Views are available for the following Data Entry Types:

    • Daily Stats

    • Types of Referrals

    •  Re-Examinations and Number of Adjustments

    • New Patient Referrals


StarStats Copyright © 2009 by Hornberger Software, LLC All Rights Reserved