Sample Menus
Data Entry
Reports and Charts
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Report Menu (available from the CaStats Data Entry Form

  • Create Production Report and/or Weekly Report directly from the data entry form.
  • Access the reporting utility directly from the data entry form without moving to another form or menu.


Some Options:

Macro Utility:

A macro utility is provided for those common reports that are used frequently.  If the user defines and sets up a report, it can be saved as a macro.  This same report setup can be recalled later through the macro selection option.


Reports and Charts can be created on:

  • Daily Statistics

  • Custom Statistics

  • Patient Referrals

  • New Patients

  • Exams and Adjustments

  • Billing Stats

  • Expenses

  • etc...



Stat Selection Forms:

The menu provide Easy navigation between forms.  Clicking on text will open that particular set of stats.  Clicking on the navigation arrow will move to the next category.

These stats (up to 9) can co-exist in the same report; however it is not recommended mixing different flavor of stats in the same chart. 

You can report or chart current data from previous years.

If your practice has more than one practitioner, you may find it useful to compare stats among your associates. This reporting tool can compare stat totals of your associates relative to the entire practice totals with a percentage break down for each.

Create Macro option is available for those who need to view common stats frequently.  In the StarStats reporting utility you can select your stats and save that selection as a macro. At a later time, Selecting that macro will recall and select those same stats for you; then all you have to do is set you report dates and print.  Simple as that.

Date Selection Utilities

The Reporting Utility offers 3 different Date Adjustment Controls




Report and Chart Highlights

  ...office growth solutions

hs@hornbergersoftware.com   (941) 923-3372  


Reporting Utilities with Improved wizards, Simple and Easy to Use, and Highly Flexible

  •  Reporting Utilities that are simply and easy to use and highly flexible
    • Production Report (Gibson Mgnt.)
    • Create Custom Reports and Charts on Daily Stats
    • Flexible and Powerful Reporting/Charting Options
      • Reports and Charts can be created on all Stats in the 6 major data entry forms
      • Totals can be sampled  Daily, Weekly, Monthly, or Yearly
      • Different Stats can co-exist in the same report and up to 9 stats on the same page
      • Reports and Charts can compare current stats to the previous years
      • Totals of associates can be compared to the entire practice and among the associates and provide the percentage break down relative to the entire practice totals
      • Report and Charts can be printed
      • Create and select report macros that will automatically set common stats making reporting easy on frequently viewed stats
  •  Database Backup Utility


Example: Weekly Output Report




  •   Flexible and Easy to Use Setup Procedures:  For most simple reports two different setup procedures are available.  One for the new user and another for the more experienced user.  That way StarStats™ tries to evolve along with the users.
  •  Step by Step setup:  Easy to follow step-by-step Tabs (pages) give easy guidance for those clients who are new and need familiarization with the report requirements.

     Convenient and Simple "All Options on the Same Page" setup: For experienced users having options on the same page provides fast and time savings setup and still listing the requirements in a logical and easy to follow arrangement.

     Easy to Setup and Create a Report
  •  Select a Doctor and Set Options.
  •  Set the Dates (time period).
  •  In some cases: Select the Type of Reports
  •  Print / Preview



Example: Production Report Results

      Some Statistics are listed below:

  •  Total Number of Patient Visits
  •  Total Number of New Patients
  •  New Patients Opportunity Missed
  •  Actual New Patients
  •  Percentage of New Patient Opportunities
  •  Collection Ratio - Percentage of Dollars Produced compared to the Actual Dollar Income
  •  Average Total Patient Visits per month
  •  Average Total Number of New Patients per month
  •  Average Patient Visits
  •  Average Dollar ($$$) Income per Visit
  •  Average Production Dollars ($$$) per Patient Visit
  •  ROP = Reactivated Old Patients


Entire Practice

Year Patients Actual






Expenses ROP
2006 Patient Visits New Patients New Patient Opportunities Missed Actual New Patients NPO%
January 954 26 0 26 100% 67,716.00 54,329.37 80.23%   13
February 868 20 0 20 100% 62,629.00 50,954.80 81.36%   16
March 1184 28 0 28 100% 85,900.00 55,744.44 64.89%   18
Total 3006 74 0 74 100% 216,245.00 161,028.61 74.47%   47

Report Summary example

Pat Visits      |     New Pat  Production  Collections 63.87%  Overhead
Average  Patient Visits   -  901.8 Average Production Dollars   -   $72,345.41 $58,292.19   -   Average Dollar Income $37,229.28  -   Average Expenses
Average New Patients    -      28 Average Dollar Production per Visit     -       $80.23 $64.64        -     Average Dollar Income per Visit $41.29      -   Cost per Visit
Patient Visit Average       -    31.4 Case Average   -    $2,516.36 $2,027.55   -   Case Average $1,294.93   -   Cost per Case
Net Profit  -  $21,062.91           Net Profit per Case  -   $732.62             Visits to Product a Profit  - 20.03
Create Custom Reports and Charts on just about any Stat
  •  Flexible Charts, Graphs and Reporting Utility:

    Easy to Follow Menu Driven System:  The report and chart generator can create simple reports on almost any statistic up to 9 on one page. 

    All Charts can be Previewed and Enlarged:  Dates, Chart properties, and other refinements are available in the preview and enlargement mode before printing.

    All Reports and Charts can be Printed:  There is a convenient option that relocates the date controls off the final chart enlargement. The data controls will still function but will not print out.  Only the most important information is shown.  This is ideal for good clean presentations.

Versatile:  StarStats™ can automatically calculate and print simple charts and reports as well as more complicated reports and charts.

Comparison Charts:  Charts that compare data of the Entire Practice to all the associates working in the practice.

Historical Charts:  Historical charts can be generated comparing the current year to the previous years' activities.

Setup Macros:  Report Setup Macros can be created that automate the setup for those frequent reporting tasks.  Record the setup on the first iteration and reuse this macro each time results in One Button Setup.


Some Report Examples

Example 1 - Total Dollar Income compared to Total Dollars Produced:

This is a Typical Chart showing Total Collections $$$ and Total Production $$$ so far for the entire current year. 


Various Resolutions are available:  The resolution is set to monthly and calculated for each month.  Other resolutions or sample rates (Yearly, Weekly, and Daily) are available. 

Point of Interest:  The chart shows that not all dollars $$$ produced are collected and recorded as Income.


Example 2 - Comparison Report:

Compare Entire Practice to other associates in the practice.

Percentages are automatically calculated.


Example 3 - Historic Report:

Comparing the current totals to previous years totals.


Comparisons can be made to any year in the past.  You can easily spot trends and identify what areas the business has grown.   Working in the historic mode, only one stat can be compared at one time to previous years.

(Chart:  Five years of monthly Collections for the Entire Practice)


(Report:  Five years of monthly Collections for the Entire Practice)


(Line Chart:  Five years of monthly Collections for the Entire Practice)

Note:  Can be enlarge to portrait size and printed.


Macro Setup Utility:

For those reports that are reviewed often, a Macro Utility is available.  It can record various scenarios consisting of various selections of stats.  Running the macro at a later time will recall these selections setting the stats automatically.  All that is left to do is to select the reporting dates and type of report and or chart.

A Macro can be created before or after selecting the desired stats.  Clicking the [Create Macro] command button available on each stat dialog form or starting from the main menu will prompt the user to follow a few easy steps.

At a later time selecting a macro will automatically set the appropriate stats.  It would be simple task to select the reporting date and set the preferences prior to generating the report.

  1. Name the Macro in a way that describes its content and write an abbreviated description.

  2. Select the stats if have not been selected and chose the type of report your wish to create. 

  3. Clicking the option in step 2 will navigate to the appropriate page.



Stat Selection Forms:

The following several forms illustrates the stats that are available and the selection process.





Versatile Date Selection Utilities

StarStats™ Reporting Utility provide three Types of Date Selections Controls which any one can be set as default when the reporting tool is opened.

     Date Macro Controls:

  •  Provide a quick method to set both Begin and End output reporting dates with a single click. 
  •  Other date adjustment controls are available that can refine each date to the desired day

     Calendar Controls:

  •  Calendar Controls allow to directly set the Begin and End Dates

     Manual Date Adjustments:

  •  Another set of controls provide precise manual Begin and End Date adjustments


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