Sample Menus
Data Entry
Reports and Charts
HMA Brochure
Support / Upgrades




Data Entry Form Navigator Pane

    Provides Easy Access to options that customize the behavior of the data entry process.

    Readily available Menus give direct access to common options such as: Bonuses, Report Utilities, and Form Preferences.

[Stats] Menu


Form Navigation

    Direct Access to any Data Entry Form.

    Form navigation arrows will move sequentially to other forms in the order defined by you (fully customizable). .


[Options] Menu

Automatically Move to the Next Data Form during data entry:

    Automatically cycling through Data Entry Forms (Multi-Form Operation):

 StarStats™ provides a convenient Auto Move option of cycling through all data forms while entering data.  The includes the various statistics: Daily Stats, Patient Referrals, Exams and Adjustments, New Patient Types, and Billing.


    Flexibility: After the data has been saved in the current form, pressing the enter key will save and close the current form and open the next form ready for data entry. 

All forms will appear automatically. Any of these forms can be disabled from the Auto Move Utility through the [Set Order] feature mentioned in the next paragraph.


    Disable Auto Move (Single-Form Operation):

Un-check this option will set the data entry to single form operation. 

This means after entering data in a particular from, hitting the enter key will save the data and then  navigate to the next date within the current form.

This mode makes it easy for those who need to catch up entering several days of a particular category of data in one form.


    Change the Order which you enter data:

The order by which the data forms appear can be customized. Clicking on the [Set Form Order] will start the wizard

(Note: Click on link above to see the Form Ordering Form.


    Skip Saturday and Sunday Option:

If you have the option: "Skip Sat and Sun"  and "Auto Move" enabled the StarStats™ will navigate from Friday to Monday skipping Saturday and Sunday.

Un-checking this option StarStats™ will move to the next day which would include Saturday and Sunday.

The user can always navigate to any date manually by using the date navigation at the top of the form.


    Quick, Easy, and Direct Access:

It is not necessary to close the data entry form and open the Main Menu to navigate to the reporting utility.

The user can directly open the Report Utility and Create a Production Report, Weekly Report, and other reports.

 Data Entry - Additional Highlights
  ...office growth solutions
hs@hornbergersoftware.com   (941) 923-3372  




StarStats™ provides Compact and Easy Date Navigation:


StarStats™ offers several ways to navigate to the desired date. Referring to the figure below, form left to right:

  Calendar Control:   You can pick the Year, Month, and Day by using the calendar control;

  Go immediately to the current date:  With one click on the command button [Current Day] will set the data entry date to the current day.

  Manually move to the desired date:  The Set Date controls provide the user to move forward or backward either one day, one week or month at a time.

  Go directly to Any historic record:   Past records are available and accessible by using the "Past Records" selection tool.


  Other useful commands are easily available such as:

  Show/NoShow Form Caption Bar:

  Create a Chart or a Custom Report:

  Go Directly to the Weekly View Data Entry Form:

  Setup and Print Weekly Report:

  Delete, Save a record, and Close the form:

  Bonus Due Indicators::  If the bonus utility has been enabled and set up when a goal has been reached indicators show the bonus type and how much is due. In the example: a daily bonus of $30.00 is due.


Outer Window Menu:


  At the very top and available from all StarStat forms are convenient set of commands providing quick access to the most common functions such as:  Show the Main Menu, Setup StartStat Preferences, Create a HMA Brochure, Data Entry related Menus (works only if entering data).


  Also available at the top of the parent window toward the right are other handy commands such as:  Create Charts/Reports, Database Connection Tools, Open Navigation Calendar, Login (switching users)..


Daily Statistics Data Entry Form


    Display only those statistics that your office uses:  If you don't use all the stats and wish not to show a particular field, just click on the box to the left of that field. Clicking the box again to show the stat.


Daily Statistics Customizable Form:

Daily Statistics Defined by You:

Easy and Flexible method to Create a Custom Stat:

  Create up to 21 custom stats:  If you want to monitor a Stat that is not listed, you can easily create up to 21 custom stats by simply check the box to the left of the field.  This starts the "Custom Stat Setup Wizard".  Clicking the box again will disable the stat.


  Easy setup instructions:

Below is a sample custom stat defined in the setup wizard.


  Can change a Custom Stat at any time: Doubling clicking on the stat or caption will open the editor allowing the user to make changes. 

  Efficient use of space:  The Captions are shown on the Data Entry form while the Abbreviations are shown on the reports since space is at a premium.

  Custom Statistic Reports:  Custom stats have the same flexibility and access to the reporting and charting utility as factory supplied stats.


Patient Referral Data Entry Form 


  StarStats™ provides up 11 of the most popular referrals which are listed in the diagram below on the left:



  Create up to 11 additional custom referrals:  If you want to monitor a patient referral that is not listed, you can easily create up to 11 custom referrals. Simply check the box to the left of the field.  This starts  the "Custom Stat Setup Wizard".  Clicking the box again will disable the stat.



  Can change a Custom Referral at any time: Doubling clicking on the referral or caption will open the editor allowing the user to make changes. 

  Efficient use of space:  The Captions are shown on the Data Entry form while the Abbreviations are shown on the reports since space is at a premium.

  Custom Statistic Reports:  Custom referrals have the same flexibility and access to the reporting and charting utility as factory supplied referrals.


Exams and Adjustments Data Entry Form


New Patient Types Data Entry Form


Billing Data Entry Forms:

There are Two Billing Data Entry forms which provides the user the options of entering billing information every day or once per week.


Billing Data Entry Form - Daily  Enter data every Day


Billing Data Entry Form - Weekly  Enter data once per week


StarStats Copyright © 2009 by Hornberger Software, LLC All Rights Reserved